Troton Epoxy Primer Pack 10kg

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2,069.00 kr

Available delivery methods: DHL -service point, DHL -Home delivery

Troton 10:1 epoxy primer 10kg

The package contains:

  • 10kg epoxy primer
  • 1kg epoxy hardener
  • 2L epoxy thinner

Cures 10:1, Thinned 15% (filler) or 30% (primer)

Epoxy Primer 10:1 can be applied over:

  • Steel and aluminum .
  • Zinc-coated , galvanized steel.
  • Polyester laminate (GRP / GRP).
  • 2k polyester putty
  • Old paint surfaces in good condition.

2K epoxy primers can be covered with:

  • 2-pack polyester putty.
  • 2-pack polyester filler.
  • 2-pack acrylic filler.
  • 2k acrylic paint.
  • 1k base color.

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