Customer ratings for Troton acrylic thinner 1L

Troton acrylic thinner 1L
159.00 kr

A thinner for acrylic paint, clear coat and filler. Use according to the respective product's recommendations.

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Number of ratings: 15
Average rating: 4.9
Som alla trotons produkter högsta betyg kan rekommendera dessa till alla
from Per-Olof Ericsson on 31/10/2023
Högt .
from Kjell Jonsson on 04/09/2021
Fungerar perfekt.
Hur bra som helst! 5 av 5
from B-L'z on 24/01/2021
Riktigt bra.
from Anonymous on 30/06/2018
Har provat denna med både 1K filler och 2K filler.
Fungerar utmärkt.
kanon! prisvärt
from Anonymous on 25/07/2017
Som alltid bra produkter till bra pris.
from Anonymous on 21/07/2017
Mycket bra
from Anonymous on 14/12/2016
from Anonymous on 01/12/2016
Klart Godkänd!
from Anonymous on 03/10/2016
Fungerar att späda färg.
5 stjärnor
from Anonymous on 01/12/2015
Mycket bra jag gillar dom här produkterna
Kanon bra !
from Anonymous on 12/11/2015
Mycket bra kvalitet .
from Anonymous on 24/08/2013
Precis lagom mild som den ska vara.
from Anonymous on 14/06/2013
Funkar bra !
from Anonymous on 18/03/2013
Bra förtunning!
Helt enkelt en bra produkt
from Anonymous on 06/03/2012

All incoming ratings are posted by actual shop visitors / webshop customers and their content is checked by the operator by means of a visual inspection.