Troton Plastic primer spray - 400ml

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can be shipped within 2 - 4 days

167.00 kr

Customer ratings for Troton Plastic primer spray - 400ml

Number of ratings: 5
Average rating: 4.2
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Mycket dåligt
from on 06/07/2021
Sprayde endast liten mängd och täppte igen sedan inuti på någon timme. Sprayar alltså inget mer trots mer än hälften kvar.
Mycket bra
from on 28/12/2020
Funkar bra
from on 30/08/2020

All incoming ratings are posted by actual shop visitors / webshop customers and their content is checked by the operator by means of a visual inspection.

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Spray package 2K - Acrylic paint Spray package 2K - Acrylic paint
896.00 kr
Spray package 2K -metallic/pearl base color. Spray package 2K -metallic/pearl base color.
1,133.00 kr
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