The Mipa Superblack package, 4L

In stock
can be shipped within 2 - 4 days

Price 1,751.00 kr
Sum of individual prices 1,889.00 kr

Customer ratings for The Mipa Superblack package, 4L

Number of ratings: 35
Average rating: 4.7
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from on 29/03/2023
När jag blandade enligt receptet så blev det blaskigt!!!!!
Helt ok til priset
from on 23/06/2022
from on 05/06/2022
Absolut perfekt!

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This includes the following individual products

(Volume: 1 liter)

Normal fast hardener for polyurethane and acrylic paints . Does not work for clearcoats. Available as 1L and 5L.

1 piece(s)
372.00 kr

Acrylic thinning is recommended for use under normal conditions of +20 to +23 degrees, both for overpainting and varnishing. Mipa acrylic thinner is also used in 2K acrylic paints and 2K acrylic primers.

1 piece(s)
223.00 kr

This is a factory broken super black acrylic paint. The color is hardened 2 : 1 with normal MS25 hardener.

2 litre(s)
1,294.00 kr
1 piece(s) = 647.00 kr


Product Note Status Price
Troton Sanding primer package, 4 L Troton Sanding primer package, 4 L
789.00 kr
Mipa Prime color package, 5L mipa 4+1 Light grey Mipa Prime color package, 5L mipa 4+1 Light grey
1,539.00 kr
1 l = 307.80 kr
Mipa acrylic paint (OC Acrylic) Mipa acrylic paint (OC Acrylic)
796.00 kr / l
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