Mipa metallic / pearl base

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1,066.00 kr / litre(s)

Customer ratings for Mipa metallic / pearl base

Number of ratings: 37
Average rating: 4.7
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from on 13/08/2024
Ingen nyfiken på klarlacket.
from on 29/04/2024
Snabb leverans, bra produkt. Lätt att få till ett bra resultat.
Fel leverans
from on 29/02/2024
Helt okej men, fick två olika klarlack,och inte första gången

All incoming ratings are posted by actual shop visitors / webshop customers and their content is checked by the operator by means of a visual inspection.

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Mipa IC/BC Dilution 1 L Mipa IC/BC Dilution 1 L
220.00 kr / l
Mipa IC/BC Thinner 5L Mipa IC/BC Thinner 5L
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