Mipa XL Paint package, 7L

Price 4,304.00 kr
Sum of individual prices 4,663.00 kr

Customer ratings for Mipa XL Paint package, 7L

Number of ratings: 15
Average rating: 4.8
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Säkert skitbra!
from on 26/02/2024
Jag har ingen erfarenhet av billack men jag har på min "bucketlist" att lacka en bil så jag får prova mej fram.
from on 21/06/2023
Lätt att jobba med , de ända jag fundera på är härdarna MS25 och HS25 . Jag beställde halvblank färg och fick samma härdare som tidigare färg jag köpt HS25. Vilken härdare ska man ha för att få den mattare.
5 av 5
from on 19/05/2020
Mycket prisvärt paket ! Jag har kört med detta på många hellackeringar med super resultat.

All incoming ratings are posted by actual shop visitors / webshop customers and their content is checked by the operator by means of a visual inspection.

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This includes the following individual products

Mipa OC Acrylic - Very good, uses approx. 30% less than with regular MS quality. No metallic or mother-of-pearl colors.

4 litre(s)
3,312.00 kr
1 l = 828.00 kr
Current daily price

Acrylic thinning is recommended for use under normal conditions of +20 to +23 degrees, both for overpainting and varnishing. Mipa acrylic thinner is also used in 2K acrylic paints and 2K acrylic primers.

1 piece(s)
232.00 kr

(Volume: 1 liter)

Normal fast hardener for polyurethane and acrylic paints . Does not work for clearcoats. Available as 1L and 5L.

2 piece(s)
774.00 kr
1 l = 387.00 kr

(Manufacturer: Troton, Volume: 1 liter)

Silicone removal   used to remove wax, grease and other impurities before varnishing, this to avoid problems during varnishing .

1 litre(s)
166.00 kr

(Size measuring cup: 2240 ml)

Mixing cup (mixing cup) to get the exact amount of hardener and thinner.

4 piece(s)
92.00 kr

Adhesive cloth for removing sanding dust before painting . The price is per canvas

3 piece(s)
57.00 kr
1 piece(s) = 19.00 kr

(Quantity: 1)

Nylon color filter (190 micrometers), paint and clear coat. Buy more and save money

5 piece(s)
30.00 kr


Product Note Status Price
Troton Protective plastic 4.5x7m Troton Protective plastic 4.5x7m
61.00 kr
Display accessory details

Customers who bought this product also bought

Mixed mug
9.00 kr

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