Mipa Matte Black Package

Price 1,200.00 kr
Sum of individual prices 1,465.00 kr

Customer ratings for Mipa Matte Black Package

Number of ratings: 18
Average rating: 4.6
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bra produkt
from on 30/01/2024
lättsam att både blanda och lackera blev kanske lite blankare än jag tänkt mig men det kanske va jag som la på lite för mycket.
Väldigt bra
from on 20/08/2019
super bra
from on 21/08/2018
lacken blir tjock och bra som en std lack, lätt slipad, som i mitt fall, mattsvart tak och metalbas på bilen och klarlacka allt samtidigt

All incoming ratings are posted by actual shop visitors / webshop customers and their content is checked by the operator by means of a visual inspection.

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This includes the following individual products

Normal acrylic matte black, factory packed

Hardened with Mipa ms25 or hs25 acrylic hardener & thinned with acrylic thinner V25 .

1 litre(s)
867.00 kr

(Size: 0.5)

The Mipa HS25 hardener is intended to be used together with HS acrylic paint and clear lacquer. Available as 0.25L, 0.5L and 1L. (See "roller blind")

1 piece(s)
413.00 kr

Mipa acrylic thinner for thinning clear lacquer and acrylic paint. Available in 0.25L, 0.5L, 1L and 5L.

1 piece(s)
185.00 kr

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